It never fails...
Anyone: "Do you think you can make..."
Me: "Sure, how hard can it be?"
A girlfriend of mine is adopting her second child from Ethiopia - hopefully this year. As of a week ago she hadn't her referral for her 0-12 month baby girl, but she was sure it would be coming... sooner than later. Which means that hopefully in the year 2010 she and her husband will be blessed with a little sister for their first son, Rylee Bona.
With her first child, Meggan and her husband had a baby shower (of course) and I made them a super cute quilt using the colors of the Ethiopian flag. I was so nervous... not everyone appreciates a hand-made gift, but I was a quilting machine back then (before I discovered my love for sticks and strings) so she expected one. And they loved it and the sentiment behind my color choices (though it TOTALLY clashed with RB's nursery colors!!)
Last week she put a call out on her Facebook to see if anyone could/knew someone who could sew a nursery bumper and a few accessories for her. Of course I chime in, "Uhhhh... I quilt... I could do that..." *oh crap!* Lots of other people commented, mentioning aunts, grandmas, neighbors, etc. But, *I* got the shout out later with, "Wow, Trish... could you?!?" Well, of COURSE I can!
Honestly, I'm flattered. I know that Meggs would appreciate hand-made items and the fact that she actually WANTS me to do it super awesome! But man, who wants to screw that up?
Yes, I've got a tall order to deliver on. So... uh... anyone know some great nursery patterns?
My hair has pink in it.
As I was dropping AJ off at summer care this morning I started to think, "Am I too old for pink hair? How many other mom's have pink hair? I'm I having a mid-life crisis? What sports car would I buy? Why don't I have a live-in babysitter to run off with?"
I kid myself every once in a while; I fill my own head with delusions of being a bohemian chic mama, wearing flowing skirts and tank tops and flip flops every day. I want to plant a tree, wear no make-up, cut off ALL of my hair and dye it a bright and obnoxious color. Then I come back to earth and realize that I have to work in a corporate office, make money, pay a mortgage and buy a new bra. And support my yarn habit.
So, here I am with a couple pink stripes in my hair. Am I too old? Perhaps. Do I love it anyway? Abso-freaking-lutely. Is it me? Most definitely.
I like me.
I came home last night after getting my hairs did (blog for a different day), and walked by my garden while letting the pups go about their business...
Holy cow! It's time to harvest!
I managed to pull out some cherry tomatoes, a couple green peppers, one HUGE banana pepper and some strawberries! Said tomatoes and green peppers accompanied my salad at lunch today. And a salad never tasted so good!
My mini-success at gardening (so far) got me thinking about all of the other things I have been/could be successful at doing. The sky really is the limit, you know?
Disclaimer: My ability to grow vegetables does not qualify me as a brain surgeon. Just sayin'...
Can I just say how much I love my title graphic?
This is a picture taken at my boyfriend's parents friends house in Florida. (Try wrapping your head around that one!) He built a home on a small lake - it really is gorgeous. We stayed there with his parents last November when we flew down for the weekend for a family birthday party. Saturday morning we got up to brilliant sunshine, moderate temps (mid-high 70's) and decided to take the canoe out on the lake. The flips are Leif's... his mom took this picture while we were out. It epitomizes my desire for calm, nature at it's best and sheer bliss.
Anyway, I was thinking about my title and how I came up with it. Really, it was nothing. My nickname is Squisha (or, if you're a REALLY good friend, Squishy)... a derivative of Trisha. Clever, eh? And, I craft.
Moreover, in my subtitle I mention just three of my crafts... knitting, quilting and weaving. Funny... these all create somewhat "squishy" items when complete. Squishy socks or a scarf, a squishy lap quilt to curl up by the fire. A squishy dresser runner (which sits on my loom right now.) I thought it was pretty funny and pretty lucky.
Sometimes I just rock like that.
How did you come up with your blog name?
I haven't been feeling the least big bloggish in the last couple years. I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, so I'm hoping a change of venue might invigorate me to start putting some stuff down. Perhaps the fact that very few people will be reading this will help - it's almost empowering. Not that I was important enough to have blog groupies or anything... I'll leave that up to the professionals.
So for now, I'm learning about my new digs and trying to get comfortable with my new home. I'm kind of excited!